

Category: Wealth Strategy

February 9, 2022

Financial Planning for Aging Parents

While you likely grew up in a household where your parents took care of you, what happens when the tables turn, and they need you to take care of them? On top of the unpleasant emotions of seeing a parent age or decline in health, this role reversal often leaves you responsible for your parents’ [...]

Eric Schuehle
Contributions from: Eric Schuehle

February 9, 2022

What to Consider When Estate Planning for Children

If you have children, especially young ones, you absolutely should create an estate plan to address their security in the event that you pass away. This is your opportunity to decide who will care for your minor children, how your assets will be distributed, and who will make decisions on your behalf. As you think [...]

Duane Duim
Contributions from: Duane Duim, CFP®

January 6, 2022

What to Consider if You Want to Retire

“Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” – Confucius. As you set your New Year’s resolutions, consider the steps needed to set yourself on a path for a successful retirement.  While it might seem like a distant dream for some, you are more likely to be [...]

November 30, 2021

Year-End Tax Planning in Light of Proposed Tax Changes

Update as of 12.19.21 With the end of the year rapidly approaching, the Build Back Better Act still faces significant disagreements in the Senate that appear likely to stretch into 2022. It remains to be seen what effect this delay will ultimately have on the tax changes included in the bill, but the longer that [...]

Vince LeeIan Curtiss
Contributions from: Anne Marie Stonich, CFP®, CPA, Vince Lee, CFP®, CPA, Ian Curtiss, CFP®, CFA®, ChSNC

November 30, 2021

Charitable Gift Fund FAQs

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a great way to manage donations to your favorite causes while optimizing your tax advantages. With a DAF, you can take a current tax deduction as you pre-fund your future gifts to charities.  Also known as a “Charitable Gift Fund,” the account is managed by a public charity, but [...]

Heather Kessler
Contributions from: Heather Kessler, CFP®

October 21, 2021

Embrace the Stages of Widowhood Toward Your New Life

When we suffer a loss in our life, we experience stages of grief, such as shock, anger, and eventually acceptance. Becoming a widow is a deeply emotional and stressful time for a woman, no matter whether she had time to prepare for her spouse’s death or her spouse passed suddenly. In fact, women often experience [...]

Kim Rosenberg
Contributions from: Kim Rosenberg, CFP®

October 21, 2021

Creating Confidence for Women in Their Investment Decisions

We all want to feel secure in our future and confident that we are making the right financial decisions to help us achieve that security. Unfortunately, this isn’t the reality for some women. Research has shown that women typically are less confident than men when it comes to investing. Some women investors feel intimidated because [...]

Kim Rosenberg
Contributions from: Kim Rosenberg, CFP®

October 19, 2021

Spotting Common Conflicts of Interest: What Every Investor Needs to Know

A conflict of interest is anything that puts the investor at risk for the personal gain of the financial professional. Such conflicts of interest generally put the interests of the professional ahead of the investor, and in some cases can even cause harm to the investor as a result of a financial professional’s outside interests. [...]

Kim Rosenberg
Contributions from: Kim Rosenberg, CFP®
single person penalty

October 19, 2021

The Single-Person Penalty is Real. Here’s How to Protect Your Finances.

CONFRONTING THE SINGLE PERSON PENALTY: Empower Your Finances with Strategic Planning The reality facing single people in the United States today is that it is more expensive to be single than married. For example, a single woman may end up paying hundreds of thousands of dollars more over her lifetime than her married counterpart when [...]

Kim Rosenberg
Contributions from: Kim Rosenberg, CFP®
