

Category: Wealth Strategy

May 4, 2022

The Financial Impacts of Divorce

Just as marriage can have a major impact on a person’s financial situation, so can a divorce. The end of a marital union typically brings lifestyle changes for each spouse. These adjustments require careful consideration and planning. Since the events of 2020, top matrimonial attorneys are seeing a 50% increase in potential client inquiries. If [...]

Katie MietusKim Rosenberg
Contributions from: Katie Berntson, CFP®, Kim Rosenberg, CFP®

April 5, 2022

How Do I Estimate My Spending?

One of the most common questions we receive at the onset of a new relationship is, “how do I know if my spending is reasonable?” High-income families often lack clarity on what their annual budget is and how that spending may change when they decide to retire. Our goal in reviewing expenses is to provide [...]

Contributions from: Rich Merrifield, CFP®, AIF®

April 1, 2022

3 Simple Ways to Optimize Your 401(k)

Spring is the perfect time to check in on your 401(k) and make sure your plan is optimized for this tax year. Here are three simple things to make sure you are maximizing the tax and investment benefits available to you. 1. Am I on track to maximize my contributions? Most 401(k) plans offer an [...]

Contributions from: Anne Marie Stonich, CFP®, CPA

March 30, 2022

What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Tax Return?

Whether you have a tax refund heading your way or you owe additional taxes with your return, you may be wondering “what can I do next year to reduce my taxes?” While the subject of taxes is fresh on your mind, this is a great time to review your income, deductions, and potential for savings [...]

Vince Lee
Contributions from: Vince Lee, CFP®, CPA

March 14, 2022

How Does a Backdoor Roth IRA Contribution Work?

Backdoor Roth IRA contributions are a commonly used planning technique to help high-income earners contribute to a Roth IRA, even when their income is higher than the maximum set by the IRS. While the strategy is commonplace, the logistics are often misunderstood. This can lead to misconceptions and potential errors on tax return filings. In [...]

Vince Lee
Contributions from: Vince Lee, CFP®, CPA

March 11, 2022

Does My Child Need to File a Tax Return?

Your teenager may have had their first job working at the snack shack last summer, and their W2 just arrived in the mail.  Or perhaps you collectively decided to sell some of the gifted Microsoft stock from their custodial account so your teenager could purchase their first car.  Now you’ve received a 1099 and wonder [...]

Vince Lee
Contributions from: Vince Lee, CFP®, CPA

March 9, 2022

Stock Awards: A Tax & Planning Primer

Companies are always looking for relatively inexpensive ways to increase the odds of getting the best workforce to join them. In the Technology sector, these ‘inexpensive’ incentives often translate into offering employees stock awards. By offering workers this interesting ‘carrot,’ they offer ownership in the company in return for their tenure and a job well [...]

Vince Lee
Contributions from: Vince Lee, CFP®, CPA

February 15, 2022

Retiring Early? Don’t Forget Health Insurance

If you’re planning to retire early, remember to include the cost of health insurance in your financial plan. Medicare eligibility begins at age 65, but until that time you’ll need to enroll in a private insurance plan.  Be sure to check your eligibility with COBRA from your prior employer as well.  COBRA premiums can be [...]

Eric Schuehle
Contributions from: Eric Schuehle, Rich Merrifield, CFP®, AIF®

February 9, 2022

Do I Have Enough Life Insurance?

Life insurance plays an important role in your financial plan by continuing to provide for your spouse and children in the event of your unexpected passing.  For business owners, life insurance can protect the value of your business if you pass, and for those with large estates, life insurance can help offset future estate tax.  [...]

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