
March 8, 2024

Embracing Empowerment: A Wealth Manager’s Perspective on Women’s Leadership

In Wealth Strategy, Women and Wealth

Contributions from: Anne Marie Stonich, CFP®, CPA

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, I find myself reflecting on the powerful moments shared at the recent Coldstream ‘Invest in Women’ event featuring Julie Larson-Green, Chief Technology Officer at Magic Leap. Surrounded by a diverse group of inspiring women, the energy in the room was palpable, fueled by the authenticity and wisdom imparted by Julie and the collective experiences of those in attendance.

Julie’s journey resonated deeply. From her humble beginnings to her remarkable rise, she exemplified the power of determination and the importance of staying true to oneself. As a Wealth Manager dedicated to empowering women, her insights reaffirmed my belief in the power of embracing one’s unique path.

The event fostered a sense of community and camaraderie, with attendees expressing gratitude for the opportunity to connect. In a world where networking can sometimes feel daunting, the warmth and inclusivity of the evening reminded us that meaningful connections are within reach, waiting to be cultivated.

One of the key takeaways from Julie’s talk was the concept of “Where do you want your seams to show?” This powerful question serves as a reminder to embrace vulnerability, recognizing that our imperfections are what make us truly human. It’s a philosophy that resonates with me personally, and as a Wealth Manager. I help my clients to understand their financial aspirations and goals and instill confidence. Many clients first come to Coldstream with intrusive thoughts like, “should I be doing more with my family’s finances?” I want their financial future to be one less thing they have to worry about.

Another impactful lesson was the importance of building diverse teams and fostering a culture of inclusivity. Julie’s emphasis on the need for diversity beyond traditional metrics, such as race and gender, highlighted the value of incorporating a wide range of perspectives and experiences. Another valuable lesson I took with me is a personal commitment to create an environment where all voices are heard and valued, recognizing that diversity is not only a strength but a necessity in driving innovation and success.

Perhaps most inspiring was the shift in mindset encapsulated by the question, “What if everything works out?” With all the uncertainty and doubt in life, embracing this optimistic perspective is a revolutionary act. I’m someone who thrives on meticulous planning and preparation, so this concept challenges me to let go of fear and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

As we celebrate the achievements of women around the world today, and every day, let us carry forward the lessons learned from events like Invest in Women. Let us embrace our true selves, build inclusive communities, and approach life with optimism and resilience. Together, we can create a future where women feel empowered to pursue their dreams and redefine what is possible.

Happy International Women’s Day to all the amazing women who inspire me every day. Here’s to celebrating our strength and limitless potential.

About Coldstream’s Women and Wealth Initiative:

We empower women to take control of their assets and be confident making financial decisions to gain peace of mind about their financial future. Our Invest in Women events build a community of women who advocate for and educate one another.

Image by Freepik

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