

Category: Wealth Strategy

February 9, 2024

10 Essential Tax Planning Strategies

As the saying goes, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” While we may not have control over the inevitability of taxes, we do have tax planning strategies at our disposal to minimize the impact. When utilized productively, tax planning can be a strategic approach to optimize your [...]

Vince Lee
Contributions from: Vince Lee, CFP®, CPA, Wes Burroughs

January 8, 2024

New Gifting and Contribution Limit Changes For 2024

There’s one thing we can always count on at the start of each new year – new contributions and gifting limitations from the IRS. As you begin your planning for the year ahead, we’ve highlighted some of the key 2024 changes to be aware of for retirement accounts, health savings accounts, and gifting. Individual Retirement [...]

Contributions from: Jay Winston, CFP®

December 11, 2023

Preserving Traditions

As the air becomes crisp and the scent of cinnamon and evergreen fills our homes, the holiday season beckons us to gather with loved ones and revel in the warmth of traditions. In a world marked by rapid change and constant innovation, there is a profound beauty in the steadfast nature of holiday customs that [...]

November 14, 2023

Bundling Charitable Contributions to Maximize your Tax Benefits

If you’re reading this article, it’s likely you are charitably inclined, value giving back to the community, and attend fund-raising events for the causes most important to you. Now picture this… you are sitting at a table for your favorite annual gala – the time has come to fill out your donation form and write [...]

Vonie Bright
Contributions from: Vonie Bright, CFP®

November 14, 2023

Tips for Microsoft Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment at Microsoft begins in early November. The following is a summary of elections to consider, and as always, please reach out to your Coldstream advisory team if you have questions. HSA (Health Savings Account) If you choose an HSA eligible health plan, you can modify your HSA elections at any point during the year, [...]

David Mcintosh
Contributions from: David McIntosh, CFP®

November 14, 2023

Uncle Sam, Here I Come

The 2022 tax period came to an end on October 15th, and we know the last thing you want to think about is our good old friend, Uncle Sam, but hear us out! He extended his stay through October 15th and maybe took more of your time and money than you anticipated. And he’ll come [...]

Contributions from: Colby Stirrat, CFP®

October 26, 2023

Getting the Most from Your Amazon Benefits

Amazon provides generous company benefits that can help you build wealth, manage risk, and secure your future. It’s important to consider how to best integrate the additional compensation, retirement, and health benefits into your financial plan. Equity Awards Your grants of Amazon restricted stock units (RSUs) can help increase your cash flow or meet long-term [...]

Katie Mietus
Contributions from: Katie Berntson, CFP®

October 18, 2023

Caution: Under and Uninsured Motorist Ahead!

In my last article, “You Can Stand Under My Umbrella,” on the importance of an umbrella policy, we referenced a few exceptional stories highlighting when chaos happens – and how the appropriate insurance coverage can ‘save the day’ and protect assets during such times.  We have all seen the ads showing when “life happens” and [...]

Contributions from: Peter Beeson, CAPI
How to Avoid Medicare Premium Surcharges

October 11, 2023

Beware of IRMAA: How to Avoid Medicare Premium Surcharges

Halloween overlaps with Medicare open enrollment, which in 2023 is happening between October 15th and December 7th. In the spirit of this festive season filled with ghosts, goblins, and ghouls, we want to warn you of another unwelcomed visitor that may spook you: IRMAA surcharges on your Medicare premiums (queue eerie music)! Read on to [...]

Katie Quick
Contributions from: Katie Quick, CFP®
