

Category: Financial Planning

June 12, 2024

Financial Considerations for LGBTQ+ Family Planning

Family planning for LGBTQ+ couples can come with a unique set of challenges and considerations. While the emotional and logistical aspects of starting or expanding a family are at the forefront, financial planning is equally important. From navigating the costs of medical processes to understanding legal implications and securing parental rights, financial preparedness plays a [...]

Katie Quick
Contributions from: Katie Quick, CFP®

June 11, 2024

The Importance of an Annual 401(k) Checkup: Keeping Your Retirement Plan on Track

As financial planners, we often emphasize the importance of regular financial health assessments. Just as you visit a doctor for an annual checkup, your 401(k) deserves a yearly checkup to ensure it’s aligned with your financial goals. A well-maintained 401(k) can significantly impact your retirement readiness, so let’s explore how to give your account the [...]

Contributions from: Colby Stirrat, CFP®

February 13, 2024

New Federal Reporting Requirement for Beneficial Ownership Information

Overview: A new reporting requirement has gone into effect as of January 1, 2024, that will affect small entities operating in the US – including most corporations, LLC’s, and partnerships established by individuals for estate and financial planning purposes. Affected entities will be required to disclose their Beneficial Owners’ Information (“BOI”) to the Financial Crimes [...]

Glen White
Contributions from: Glen White

October 26, 2023

Getting the Most from Your Amazon Benefits

Amazon provides generous company benefits that can help you build wealth, manage risk, and secure your future. It’s important to consider how to best integrate the additional compensation, retirement, and health benefits into your financial plan. Equity Awards Your grants of Amazon restricted stock units (RSUs) can help increase your cash flow or meet long-term [...]

Katie Mietus
Contributions from: Katie Berntson, CFP®

August 15, 2023

Funding Graduate School by Gifting Appreciated Stock

If you have a student attending graduate school this fall, the tuition payment due date is quickly approaching! Clients who plan on funding all or a portion of the tuition for adult children or relatives often ask what the optimal funding method is – especially if other allocated savings, such as 529 College Savings Plans [...]

Katie Mietus
Contributions from: Katie Berntson, CFP®

January 15, 2023

Diversifying Concentrated Stock Positions: Navigating the Path Less Traveled

Generating wealth and retaining wealth can be two conflicting skillsets, especially when a major source of that wealth is a concentrated stock position. The former requires bold risk-taking, optimism, and allowing eggs to pile up in one basket. The latter requires planning, humility, being proactive, and a certain degree of paranoia. Navigating this shift in [...]

David Bigelow
Contributions from: David Bigelow, CFP®, MBA

October 25, 2022

Charitable Gifting Options as We Close Out the Year

The long warm summer we’ve enjoyed in the Pacific Northwest is officially transitioning into fall. With the cooler temperatures and changing leaves, our thoughts turn toward the holidays, gift giving season, and how we can make an impact in our community before the year is over. When it comes to making a charitable impact through [...]

Vonie Bright
Contributions from: Vonie Bright, CFP®

June 22, 2022

Invest With Pride: Finding the Right LGBTQ+ Financial Planner

Pride Month has become a widespread movement to vocalize support and raise awareness around LGBTQ+ issues. It’s a time to come together and celebrate the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community, commemorate the historical impact, and acknowledge the continued struggle for visibility and equal legal rights across the country. However, it’s important to recognize that celebrating Pride [...]

Katie QuickAlex Schrempf
Contributions from: Katie Quick, CFP®, Alex Schrempf

June 6, 2022

Mind the Gap(s)! Financial Planning as a LGBTQIA+ Couple

It’s June again, and along with the welcoming of the long summer months, we also can celebrate PRIDE! In the spirit of Pride month, we wanted to take some time to discuss nuances in financial planning for LGBTQIA+ couples. As with many things in our world, much of the investment advice and information out there [...]

Katie Quick
Contributions from: Katie Quick, CFP®
