• Endowments and Foundations

Endowments and Foundations

Your Mission is Our Mission.

We partner with you to build your organization’s legacy, delivering a bespoke strategy based on your organization’s vision and mission. We have extensive experience in conducting qualitative research and a commitment to long-term investing. Coldstream brings you uncommon access to our broad network and deep industry relationships with top-tier managers, coupled with our unparalleled service.

  • We are your partner and co-fiduciary.
  • We empower you as a fiduciary by providing education, guidance, and governance support. We take care of operational details so that your committee can focus on the big picture.
  • We are behind your mission.

Our work doesn’t stop at our doors. We advocate for your organization in the community, sharing your news and helping you build connections.

Who we serve:

  • Community foundations
  • Healthcare foundations
  • Private education and university foundations
  • Public education and university endowments
  • Private family foundations

We listen and learn so that we can understand and share your passion for what you do. Our job is to help ensure that your mission is manifested in perpetuity.

Comprehensive Services

  • Investment Portfolio Management

    Success is built from curiosity and rigor.

    We look further, dig deeper, and work harder to provide you with access to top-tier investment opportunities. We have an uncommon passion for investing, which we apply to finding the investment gems and specialty opportunities unavailable elsewhere.

    Our clients will never get a cookie cutter portfolio; we make sure you have access to best-in-class investment managers and ideas. We use a forward-looking approach and proven criteria to identify investment managers who can deliver long-term performance. We use modeling and risk analysis to build asset allocation strategies tailored to your objectives and risk tolerance, and then employ tactical shifts to take advantage of market opportunities.

    Our proprietary research process applies to due diligence as well as manager selection, ensuring that your portfolio always contains our current best thinking.

    We give you the confidence of knowing we are doing the hard work. Our performance reports outline key metrics to show you exactly what we expect and how we are delivering.

  • Governance & Fiduciary Support

    Support that allows your committee to focus on the big picture.

    Your committee's time is limited and precious. We provide governance and fiduciary support to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your processes. We can relieve the committee of administrative details that will allow them to focus on oversight, investments, and other big-picture issues.

    As your co-fiduciary, we help ensure that your organization is meeting its fiduciary obligations, and keep you apprised of key information and updates.

  • Committee Education

    Informed committees drive better outcomes. We are invested in empowering you.

    Committees are often made up of individuals with varying degrees of knowledge, experience, and sophistication. Wherever you are on that spectrum, our goal is to offer support and education that will engage you in learning more and becoming a better investor. We provide targeted fiduciary education, as well as opportunities to engage with broader investment topics.

    Our clients have access to:
    • Targeted and customized education sessions on selected topics
    • Periodic research white papers
    • Regular hosted webinar events featuring guest panelists
    • Quarterly market overview webcasts
    • Periodic podcast episodes on various topics

  • Building Community Connections

    Raise awareness and visibility for your mission. As your partner, your mission is our mission. We actively work to share your message and help you extend your network. We help raise awareness of your organization among our circle of influence through social media posts about your fundraising activities, spotlighting your organization in our annual Holiday Giving Guide, and highlighting your organization where appropriate in client communications.

    Our team is ready to meet with your major donors to give them confidence in the stewardship of their contributions to your cause.

Are you ready to reach your financial goals?