• leave behind a lasting legacy

    for generations to come

Going Beyond Securing Your Financial Future

Creating a Lasting Legacy

Coldstream partners with families to simplify the complexities of your finances to enhance your lives, but what we do is about so much more than money. It’s personal. It’s about helping you achieve your aspirations—for you, your kids, your kids’ kids. Money represents freedom and choice and time with your most important people. When you choose to work with us, you’re entrusting us to guide your family. To us, there’s no greater honor.

Our wealth management team is designed to help you create a lasting financial legacy for generations to come.

Unlike other firms that are organized into separate departments, we provide you with a dedicated team. 

By taking a team approach, we ensure your financial well-being is seamlessly managed and that someone who is familiar with your plan and your goals is always available. As an independent firm, our interests and opportunities are aligned with yours. You are at the center of everything we do, every day.

We know that your financial goals extend far beyond your own lifetime.

Our experienced wealth management team works closely with you to craft personalized strategies that align with your values and objectives, ensuring your wealth continues to grow and benefit your loved ones, charitable causes, and philanthropic ventures.

Maximize the potential of your wealth through our diligent investment strategies. Our Investment Strategy Group analyzes market trends, identifies opportunities, and builds diversified investment portfolios designed to withstand economic fluctuations.

Together, we’ll navigate the complexities of the financial world, safeguarding your assets.

Leave behind a seamless transition of your wealth with proper estate planning that carries out your final wishes.

Our team collaborates with other trusted legal and tax advisors to create an estate plan that minimizes tax burdens and ensures your wealth is distributed according to your wishes.​

Connect with a Wealth Manager

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