

Tag: Real Estate

July 21, 2020

Taking the Leap – Buying a Second Home

July 14, 2020 Buying a second home. It has always been an aspirational goal for our family, and with the shelter in place ordinance, the idea of having a safe getaway where we could unwind and get away from my dining-room-turned-office became the motivating factor of finding that second home now. [...]

Rachel McCracken
Contributions from: Rachel McCracken, CFA®, MBA

April 15, 2019

The Underwriting of a Construction Loan Through the Eyes of a Lender

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. – Neil Armstrong By Chris Blakeslee This summer, we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first walk on the moon.  I recently watched the movie, “First Man” which is about the life of astronaut, Neil Armstrong (played by Ryan Gosling), and the space [...]

Contributions from: Chris Blakeslee

January 3, 2013

Seattle area sees surge in new homes

The recent Seattle Times article summarizes the current strength of the local home construction industry.  Our Coldstream affiliate, Ascent Capital, continues to participate in this market as a niche player by financing a number of home builders and projects in the Puget Sound area. [...]
