

Category: Estate Planning

April 22, 2024

Estate Changes Are Coming: Who Really Needs to Take Action?

When Taylor Swift wrote her song, You Need to Calm Down, she probably had no idea how relevant her song title would be when thinking about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) sunsetting on January 1, 2026. Headlines are setting off alarms and panic for many high-net-worth individuals. However, the TCJA sunset [...]

Becky Wilcox
Contributions from: Becky Wilcox, CFA®, MBA, FRM®, Heather Hamamoto, CFP®, CDFA®, Anne Marie Stonich, CFP®, CPA

April 15, 2024

5 Key Players in your Estate Plan

When most people decide to start their wealth management journey, the shiny object in the room is always financial planning – and we get why! Nothing beats seeing your years of savings, short-term goals like that once-in-a-lifetime trip, and long-term goals like early retirement, all in one place and your advisor confirms your financial plan [...]

Katelyn Spangler
Contributions from: Katelyn Spangler, CFP®

February 13, 2024

New Federal Reporting Requirement for Beneficial Ownership Information

Overview: A new reporting requirement has gone into effect as of January 1, 2024, that will affect small entities operating in the US – including most corporations, LLC’s, and partnerships established by individuals for estate and financial planning purposes. Affected entities will be required to disclose their Beneficial Owners’ Information (“BOI”) to the Financial Crimes [...]

Glen White
Contributions from: Glen White

June 14, 2023

Diversified Estate Planning for LGBTQ+ Families

When it comes to estate planning, LGBTQ+ individuals may need additional considerations to ensure that their wishes are fully honored and protected. Given the variation in state laws and recognition, same-sex couples must continue to be conscientious and thoughtful when it comes to their estate planning efforts, and are highly encouraged to seek a competent [...]

Katie Quick
Contributions from: Katie Quick, CFP®

March 22, 2023

Identifying Red Flags for Reviewing and Updating Your Estate Plan

Having a proper estate plan in place is the guiding hand you leave behind to ensure things go smoothly for your loved ones after you’re gone, and that all your last wishes are carried out accordingly. But with all things in life, we experience change. As such, you should periodically review your estate plan and [...]

Contributions from: Jay Winston, CFP®
start the estate planning process

August 3, 2022

3 Ways to Overcome the Initial Hurdles of Estate Planning

When creating an estate plan, many individuals lack a clear vision of what they want. It’s a weighty and complex topic to address and often gets kicked down the road. Even when people take the initiative to hire an attorney to draft an estate plan, those drafts can sit in an inbox for six months [...]

Kurt BiedermanMichelle Decaire
Contributions from: Kurt Biederman, JD, Michelle Decaire, FPQP™

May 4, 2022

The Financial Impacts of Divorce

Just as marriage can have a major impact on a person’s financial situation, so can a divorce. The end of a marital union typically brings lifestyle changes for each spouse. These adjustments require careful consideration and planning. Since the events of 2020, top matrimonial attorneys are seeing a 50% increase in potential client inquiries. If [...]

Katie MietusKim Rosenberg
Contributions from: Katie Berntson, CFP®, Kim Rosenberg, CFP®

February 9, 2022

What to Consider When Estate Planning for Children

If you have children, especially young ones, you absolutely should create an estate plan to address their security in the event that you pass away. This is your opportunity to decide who will care for your minor children, how your assets will be distributed, and who will make decisions on your behalf. As you think [...]

Duane Duim
Contributions from: Duane Duim, CFP®

May 27, 2020

Estate Planning in the Time of Great Uncertainty

May 27, 2020 I have been in Wealth Management for more than 30 years, and, in my opinion, there has never been a greater urgency for estate planning than what we are seeing at this moment in history.  The current health crisis, compounded with working from home and spending more time around loved ones, compels [...]

Joe Cervantes
Contributions from: Joe Cervantes, CFP®, CLU®, AEP®
